SAMR Model

The SAMR model is simply a way to view technology integration into the classroom. Understanding of this model is key to our own development in technology integration. There are some activities that will be on the "S" or "A" level during one unit and others will be on the "M" or "R" level. It is important to know that not every single activity must be at the "Redefinition" level for technology integration to be successful, but it is a way to be aware of our intended use of technology to improve teaching and learning at West Ottawa.

For an in-depth review of SAMR and it's relation to Bloom's Taxonomy, visit Kathy Schrock's page. Full of resources! Take a look at some other examples of lessons and how each can be used in each level.

SAMR + Google Apps for Education

Take a look at how Google Apps can support the SAMR Model

Copy of SAMR + GAFE Overview ‎(PUBLIC)‎

SAMR Explained

Exemplars of SAMR Levels

practical examples of HOW to move up

the ladder of SAMR toward the

"Transformation" levels.

Example of Augmentation

Example of Modification

Example of Redefinition

Using Technology to Connect Students & the Environment

SAMR Progression in Science

Analogies for SAMR